Bonjour à tous !
We’re already past the midway point of January, and if you’re feeling a bit guilty because you haven’t put your New Year’s resolutions into action yet, don’t worry—you’re not alone. The truth is, it doesn’t matter when you start. What matters is that you start, and that you feel good about the changes you’re making.
If you need a little inspiration, I’ve got just the thing. These 10 fun and uplifting activities will help you set the gears in motion, spark some joy, and even add a little French flair to your routine.

Allez, on y va !
1. Faire une promenade hivernale dans la nature.
(Pronunciation: fair oon proh-muh-nad ee-ver-nahl do(n) lah nah-toor).
Take a winter walk in nature.
Bundle up and enjoy the crisp winter air with a walk in the countryside, a park, or even your own garden. Let the beauty of nature help you reset. How about broadening your French vocabulary bank ? Look up the French for 5 things you spot on your adventures!
2. Écrire une lettre à un ami ou à un proche.
(Pronunciation: ey-kreer oon letr ah uh-nah-mee oo ah uh(n) prosh)
Write a letter to a friend or loved one.
Reconnect with someone special by writing them a heartfelt letter. Why not challenge yourself to write part of it in French?
3. Préparer une nouvelle recette d’hiver
(Pronunciation: prey-pah-rey oon nou-vel ruh-set dee-vair)
Try out a new winter recipe.
Warm up your kitchen with the comforting smells of winter cooking. Have a go at following a French recipe like a creamy gratin dauphinois or a warming soupe à l’oignon. Improve your French and eat the results – now that’s a double win!

4. Créer une liste de choses que vous aimeriez apprendre cette année
(Pronunciation: krey-ey oon leest duh shohz kuh vou zay-muh-ree-ey ah-pro(n)dr set ah-ney).
Make a list of things you’d like to learn this year.
Write down your goals, whether they’re big or small. You could include learning French pronunciation or mastering a new skill.
5. Regarder un film français avec des sous-titres
(Pronunciation: ruh-gar-dey uh film fro(n)-sey ah-vek dey sou-tee-truh).
Watch a French film with subtitles.
Discover a new perspective by diving into a French movie. How about watching a classic such as “Les Choristes”, “Amélie”, or “Au revoir, les enfants” ? Subtitles will help you follow along.
6. Commencer un journal pour pratiquer le français chaque jour
(Pronunciation: koh-mo(n)-sey uh(n) zhour-nahl poor prah-tee-key luh fro(n)-sey shak zhour).
Start a journal to practise your French daily.
Journaling in French is a fantastic way to improve your writing and build your vocabulary. Even writing a few sentences a day will make a difference. Keep it short and fun so it doesn’t become a chore.

7. Faire une activité manuelle, comme du dessin ou du tricot
(Pronunciation: fair oon ack-tee-vee-tey mah-noo-elle, kohm doo dey-sah(n) ou doo tree-koh).
Do something crafty, like drawing or knitting.
Tap into your creativity with a hands-on activity. Whether you prefer sketching, painting, or knitting, you’ll find it both relaxing and rewarding. Whilst your crafting away, ask Alexa to play some French music. I may be a little old fashioned, but I love listening to hits by Françoise Hardy, France Gall, and Francis Cabrel!
8. Visiter un musée virtuel en ligne
(Pronunciation: vee-zee-tey uh(n) moo-zey veer-too-el o(n) leen-yuh).
Visit a virtual museum online.
Take a virtual trip to one of France’s incredible museums, like the Louvre or the Musée d’Orsay, all from the comfort of your home.
9. Essayer une nouvelle boisson chaude, comme un chocolat viennois
(Pronunciation: ey-sey-yey oon nou-vel bwah-soh(n) shohd, kohm uh(n) shoh-koh-lah vyen-wah).
Try a new hot drink, like a Viennese hot chocolate.
Treat yourself to something indulgent—perhaps a creamy, luxurious hot chocolate topped with whipped cream. You’ve earned it! Why not sip it whilst reading a French novel or magazine?

And finally…
10. Apprendre 5 nouveaux mots en français cette semaine
(Pronunciation: ah-pro(n)dr sank nou-voh moh o(n) fro(n)-sey set suh-men).
Learn 5 new French words this week.
Pick a theme—like winter, food, or travel—and add five new words to your French vocabulary. Bonus points if you practise saying them aloud! Unsure of how to pronounce the words? I find using the Forvo site very useful as you can listen to recordings of native speakers saying the word(s) of your choice.
Ready to Kick Off the Year? These simple activities can spark inspiration and help you reset for the year ahead. Why not try one or two this week? Let me know how you get on—I’d love to hear about your experience!
Power Up Your Pronunciation in February!
If improving your French pronunciation is on your list of goals for this year, I have some exciting news for you. From the week beginning 3rd February, I’ll be hosting a free, fun, and stress-free pronunciation challenge designed to help you:
• Start to distinguish the differences between French sounds that seem very close to the English speaker’s ear.
• Feel more confident speaking French
• Sound more natural and authentic
This challenge is suitable for all levels and focuses on practical tips that truly work – I will be sharing with you some of the techniques that I used myself as a learner to improve my spoken French. It’s completely free, and you’ll finish the week with a noticeable improvement in your French.
If you’ve been waiting for the right moment to start or get back on track with your French, this is it.
Click on the button below to find out all the nitty gritty and sign up to join us! it’s going to be a fantastic opportunity to start building your confidence.
À très bientôt,

Thanks Frannie,
I love that you share these ideas with us…. My five words for this week are all very random à propos de rien de tout 🤪🤪:
Grinçant – tricky
La faïence fine – china
Émail – enamel
La jatte – pudding basin
Goinfre – piggish
De rien, Sue ! Thanks for sharing your 5 finds for this week – j’adore ! For me, grinçant = squeaky or creaky (a door, for example), or “dark” when talking about humour. I look forward to hearing about your new finds for this coming week!