Join one of my live online workshops!
My online courses and workshops are the perfect complement to your regular French classes.

Find out about my live, online workshop – Everyday Expressions to Help you Fit in with the French
Live, online workshop
Join me for this live, online workshop where you will learn everyday expressions that take you from formal, textbook, French to fun and friendly, free-talk so that you start to feel more fulfilled in your everyday interactions and friendships.

Find out about my live, online workshop – Don’t Hang Up! Telephone French Course
Live, online workshop
This live, online workshop will take you from telephone terrified to telephone terrific!
If the thought of speaking French on the telephone makes you break into a cold sweat then this is the live, online workshop for you!
Find all you need to become more confident on the phone.

SpeakEasy French-English online conversation group
Monthly 90 minute live, online conversation group
Next session ~ Weds 6th September 7-8.30pm (UK)
Meet new friends and speak French in this relaxed, friendly conversation group. Once a month, anglophones from “Sound More French with Frannie” and francophones from “Sarah Speaks English” get together via Zoom for convivial French/English conversation and games. Chat, laugh and learn together!

The 1,2,3, French Conversation Confidence Booster Course
5 week course (1 hour per week)
Overcoming your fear of speaking French can be as easy as 1, 2, 3 with this French Conversation Confidence Booster course! Master asking and responding to just 3 questions a week and practise with fellow students. Become a confident smalltalker in French!

Masculine or Feminine? The Get Clued-Up Class!
A 1-hour Grammar Crammer Masterclass
Feeling flummoxed about French nouns and whether they are masculine or feminine? In this 1-hour Grammar Crammer I will give you my top tips for identifying the gender of nouns in French and alert you to some common pitfalls to avoid.

Well Woman in France
5 week course
Are you an English-speaking lady living in France? Do you feel anxious about visiting the doctor, gynae, or talking to the pharmacist? Maybe you would love to get pampered at the hairdressers or beauty spa, but are unsure of what to ask for…
This course will help you to become more confident in talking to health and beauty professionals so you can be your best self in France!

As Simple As ABC – Mastering the French Alphabet
1 hr masterclass (11th April 24 19.30 UK)
Finally master the French alphabet! Learn how to pronounce each letter like a native, spell out loud and explore some super strategies to help you to memorise the French letter names.
What learners are saying…
“An inspirational teacher and so encouraging! The most obvious (benefit) is that my French speaking skills are getting better petit à petit. I am getting to grips with the way French is really spoken (including verlan)”
“A fun 2 hours spent on a Saturday afternoon! Go for it!! Unless you’re completely fluent you’ll definitely learn something and you’ll have fun as well!”
“Frannie teaches real French that you would use when visiting the country and also helps you to develop your accent…all in a fun way. Frannie is an excellent teacher and I am very glad I found her. I have learnt so much from her and have massively developed my French speaking skills.”
“Prior to starting … I had studied at school and using an online app. I felt I could understand a fair amount of French, but lacked confidence in speaking. The main benefit I’ve found is with regards to confidence in speaking and pronunciation. Frannie is excellent at teaching and makes the lessons enjoyable as well as educational.”
“I was feeling frustrated by my lack of confidence speaking French and feeling that many real-life scenarios were out of my reach when I am in France, simply because I can’t make myself understood. You bring humour and ease to classes which makes learning relaxing and enjoyable. I’m really appreciating the gentle way you are building my knowledge…I love your humour and energy.”
“Fran is a fabulous teacher…she’s so motivated it’s infectious.”
Join over 5K other learners in my FREE Facebook community, Sound More French with Frannie!
This is a fabulously friendly place where you can connect with other learners and pick up French gems: new vocabulary/expressions and tips to help you improve your French.