Salut, enchantée !

I’m Frannie, an online French teacher passionate about helping English speakers to improve their pronunciation.

I have been helping English speakers learn French with my fun approach and positive vibe for over 20 years.

In 2020 I moved all my teaching online and have never looked back! Adult language learners love the fact that they can join my classes from the comfort of their own homes or workplaces, and even from their holidays. I’ve had students join my classes from sunloungers on the beach! Crazy, hey?!

My teaching superpower?

I help learners to beat overwhelm by breaking down learning into manageable chunks and finding memorable “hooks” in the English language. I show them exactly how to shape their mouths and place their tongues to make the right sounds so that they can start to speak French with confidence.

Frannie from Sound more French in blue scarf and Purple coat
Frannie sitting on the sofa, smiling and speaking French on the phone

From an obsession with France to helping English speakers learn French…

My obsession with France started at a young age; friends and family could spot me from afar by my bright red beret! Of course, French was my favourite subject at school. I went on to study the language at university and later became an award-winning French teacher.

Having lived and worked in France, I know exactly how it feels to be thrown in at the deep end with only textbook French for survival. I am passionate about sharing what I know about everyday French and supporting others on their path to becoming more confident speakers of French.

Qui suis-je ?

A qualified teacher (BA Hons, PGCE, QTS), Mum to two grown-up, bilingual children and Nannie to a little “bout de chou”, I live in rural Northamptonshire, the UK, with my husband and French Bull-dog. When I’m not teaching French on Zoom, I can be found walking the dog in the fields near my home or catching up with friends in local cafés!

I love watching French series on Netflix, reading French novels and discovering new expressions. My motto for life is,

Every day’s a school day“.

For more tips on how to become a more confident speaker of French why not sign up for my weekly French Friday newsletter? See below…

Frannie from Sound More French sitting on a doorstep with her French Bulldog

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5 French Faux Pas to Avoid at all Costs!

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