French positive affirmations are a simple yet powerful way to retrain your inner voice while practising your French. If you want to sound more French and build your confidence, this is a wonderful place to start.
Do you ever catch yourself talking to yourself (either out loud or in your head)? Even better — do you ever try it in French? MOI: Oui et oui ! (And I promise, I’m not completely folle — I don’t really have une araignée au plafond!)

Now, be honest — is your inner voice kind to you? Mine? Hélas, pas toujours! In fact, if I am truly honest, it’s often hélas, jamais. My inner critic loves to remind me of every failure, every mistake. She’s harsh, unkind, and loves to take me back to my school days where I convinced myself I’d failed everything and wouldn’t get into university.
Can you see how that negative voice holds us back? Over time, I’ve realised she’s mostly wrong — but I still listen. Until now. Ça suffit !
This week, I’m sharing 7 French positive affirmations (one for each day) to help us re-train that inner voice — and practise our French at the same time. On fera d’une pierre deux coups !

Here they are — which will you stick on your wall?
- Quand je respire, j’inspire la confiance et j’expire la timidité.
(When I breathe in, I inhale confidence and exhale shyness.) - Je suis énergique et enthousiaste. La confiance est ma seconde nature.
(I am energetic and enthusiastic. Confidence is my second nature.) - Je suis unique. Je me sens bien étant moi-même.
(I am unique. I feel good being myself.) - Je m’appuie sur le moment présent.
(I live in the moment.) - J’inspire la détente. J’expire le stress.
(I breathe in relaxation. Exhale stress.) - Je choisis d’être fier/fière de moi-même.
(I choose to be proud of myself.) - J’ai le sens de l’humour et j’aime partager des rires avec les autres.
(I have a sense of humour and enjoy sharing laughter with others.)

I’m sticking these up in my office to see every day — will you join me? Do you have a favourite affirmation (in French or English) that lifts you up? I’d love to hear it — drop me an email!
Remember, this is good for our minds and our French — on fera d’une pierre deux coups !
Bonne journée,
Frannie x
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