Language learning tools with a difference

Stationery to help you progress on your French learning journey


Boîte à Bijoux

Sometimes the best learning tool for a learner of French is the humble vocab book! However, why settle for boring? Make sure yours is beautiful and you will be sure to use it!

If you are anything like me, you hear words and expressions and think, “oh là là, I like that!”, only to have forgotten them by the next day!

Instead, use this snazzy “carnet” to jot them down so you can keep them safe, easily retrievable and ready to use in your everyday conversations! It is a jewellery box for your French gems! It has been especially designed for English-speaking learners of French, with tips for memorising new vocabulary and plenty of space for all your French “perles”.



Mon agenda linguistique

A language learning tool to log progress without overwhelm!

A weekly language learning tool where you can log your study time, expressions, vocabulary and “wow moments”  – as well as assess your learning daily.

Take small steps each day, and you will be amazed by how far you progress over a year!


5 French Faux Pas to Avoid at all Costs!

Worried about making embarrassing mistakes when you speak French?

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