Masculine or Feminine?
The Get Clued-Up Class!
A 1 hour, live Grammar Crammer session on Zoom with Frannie from Sound More French.
Tuesday 7th June 09.30 (UK time)
Does the concept of masculine and feminine nouns in French leave you feeling flummoxed?
Do you feel like there is no rhyme or reason as to whether a noun is feminine or masculine?
Are you worried about getting it wrong?
Would you like some light to be shone on this mystery?
If you answered “Oui !” to any of the above – read on!
My name is Frannie and I have been helping people on their path to French fluency for over 20 years. I am a qualified teacher (BA Hons, PGCE, QTS) and mother to two bilingual, adult children. Although, I live in the UK, I have lived and worked in France, I know exactly what it feels like to be thrown in at the deep end!
Moreover, I know what it feels like to be a learner! When we are learning French it can feel very overwhelming – there is so much to learn!
Feeling unsure as to whether the noun we want to use is masculine or feminine can hold us back – after all the accuracy of our entire utterance can depend upon getting the gender right.
But how do we know what gender a noun is?
Have you been told that you simply have to learn the article every time you learn a new noun?
Hey, that is far from simple and relies on you having a pretty good memory too!
You may have also been told that eventually your ear will “just know” if it sounds right (or wrong!).
Whilst this is true – it is not a particularly helpful tip to someone in their first few years of learning. It is nice to know, but it doesn’t help you to get there any quicker, does it?!
If you are looking for some logic and clues then you are in the right place. Join my Grammar Crammer masterclass where I will share what I know to help you get clued-up on nouns and gender!
Masculine or Feminine? The Get Clued-Up Class!
What can you expect from this class?
- This is a live 1-hour Grammar Crammer masterclass delivered via Zoom with an accompanying, downloadable PDF handout. This will contain all the necessary information so you don’t need to worry about taking notes.
- We will look at the different ways of categorising nouns according to gender.
- My mantra for this course is learn the rules and LOVE the exceptions! By the end you will love the exceptions as much as I do – they are the key to getting it right!
- I will also alert you to common pitfalls so you can avoid making them.

Who is this class for?
- Anyone who worries about getting the gender of nouns wrong or feels baffled by the whole concept.
- Learners who prefer to have the bigger picture.
- Students who like logical systems and to know the reasons why!
- People who love to find out quirky facts and exceptions to rules!
The price for this Grammar Crammer class is £20– the price of a couple of rounds of drinks minus the headache, haha!
This class is free to all members of Frannie’s French Phonics Café who will automatically receive an invitation to attend with no need to sign up.
What my students say
“An inspirational teacher and so encouraging! The most obvious (benefit) is that my French speaking skills are getting better petit à petit. I am getting to grips with the way French is really spoken (including verlan)”
“Frannie teaches real French that you would use when visiting the country and also helps you to develop your accent…all in a fun way. Frannie is an excellent teacher and I am very glad I found her. I have learnt so much from her and have massively developed my French speaking skills.”
“I really loved the workshop. I love learning authentic French and rules that I was never taught at school. It was a fantastic workshop and I got alot out of it.”
“Prior to starting … I had studied at school and using an online app. I felt I could understand a fair amount of French, but lacked confidence in speaking. The main benefit I’ve found is with regards to confidence in speaking and pronunciation. Frannie is excellent at teaching and makes the lessons enjoyable as well as educational.”
“I was feeling frustrated by my lack of confidence speaking French and feeling that many real-life scenarios were out of my reach when I am in France, simply because I can’t make myself understood. You bring humour and ease to classes which makes learning relaxing and enjoyable. I’m really appreciating the gentle way you are building my knowledge…I love your humour and energy.”
“Fran is a fabulous teacher…she’s so motivated it’s infectious.”
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